United States Jeepney

Known World Jeepneys

If you know of any jeepneys in countries other than the US and the Philippines we have not included, please email us at jeepneys@usjeepney.com! We'd love to include you or the jeepney you've found.


Manitoba Jeepney

Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba. The Vickar Jeepney was unveiled July 31,2011 at the PCCM grounds and has become the center of attraction. It was brought here by the couple Larry and Tova Vickar who own an auto dealership. “To have this piece of Philippine history known as the “King of the Road” in Winnipeg, is our commitment to the Filipino community here. We are aware that this cultural icon is a living symbol of the Filipino’s ingenuity and creativity. This jeepney has become a part of the cultural heritage of the Filipinos in Winnipeg.Any group be it family, friends, or business can arrange for a trip with the PCCM